If you are at a loose end in Florida this weekend and looking for some high quality entertainment with a different edge or perhaps some unique artwork for your walls; then ARTundressed’s 6th Annual Creative Nude Art Festival offers a naughty weekend in Miami and may be just the tonic for you.

This year Robert Babylon’s work is appearing in the ‘Invited Artist’ category and there will be a fine display of his UV and ‘natural’ light work – although sadly this year he won’t be able to join his work in Miami due to a prior engagement. The festival is three days of erotic entertainment of all kinds – full details of locations and times are available at the ARTundressed website http://artundressed.com/
ARTundressed celebrates the artistic, humorous, and sensual aspects of creative nude art; both in visual and performance arts. Since its inception, this event has toured many different countries and numerous cities from all over the world, including Miami, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Dallas, Berlin (Germany), as well as Montreal and Toronto (Canada). The collection of exhibited artworks is always top-notch showcasing some of today most talented, creative, renowned artists and photographers. To differentiate our event, we go through a very calculated and selective process to feature top local, national and international artists, exhibiting some of the best nude art that exert the highest level of creativity.
In addition to displaying the best creativity in the nude art genre, a great amount of effort is spent on complimenting the “visual arts” portion of the event with Outrageous Fashion and Tantalizing Entertainment including Top International Deejays, Live Music, and Sexy Performance Art. Attending the ARTundressed event is truly a memorable, interactive, and erogenous experience.