Two Robert Babylon images have been awarded places in the juried Erotic Signature Erotic Art Competition.
The two images will appear later this year in the book “The World’s Greatest Erotic Art Today vol 5”, continuing a long relationship with the publishers of this prestigious book. Copies will be available in hard and soft cover versions and early editions are now selling for premium collectors prices.

The images will also form part of the ARTundressed Tour of the USA, Canada and Europe which starts in November in Miami USA. ARTundressed celebrates the artistic, humorous, and sensual aspects of creative nude art; both in visual and performance arts. Since its inception, this event has toured many different countries and numerous cities from all over the world, including Miami, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Dallas, Berlin (Germany), as well as Montreal and Toronto (Canada). The collection of exhited artworks is always top-notch showcasing some of today’s most talented, creative, renowed artists and photographers. To differentiate our event, we go through a very calculated and selective process to feature top local, national and international artists, exhibiting some of the best nude art that exert the highest level of creativity.
Further details about the individual exhibitions will be available closer to their start dates. The first exhibition of the tour is in Miami, Florida, USA, for the weekend of November 20th- -22nd, 2014.