Robert Babylon has won two places in the 12″ Sin juried exhibition which features sophisticated, intelligent and clever artworks from around the world. The exhibition explores the variety of subjects and themes with elegance and modern innovation, through a variety of work no larger than 12” (inches) square. The design competition compresses the exhibition boundaries while expanding artistic challenge.
From the many artists who participated in the second juried art competition the judges were truly delighted in the divesity and the high caliber of work that was submitted. Robert Babylon’s following works have been awarded a place in the following exhibitions:
The first of these pieces of work, ‘Bubbles‘ will be shown at the 12″ of Sin exhibition at the Sin City Gallery in Las Vegas. The second piece, ‘Pink Bits’ will be featured in exhibitions in Las Vegas and San Francisco later this year.
Exhibition Dates:
Thursday 28th Feb – Saturday 20th April
Exhibition Venue:
Sin City Gallery
107 E. Charleston Boulevard, !00
Las Vegas, Nevada 89104
Gallery Hours:
Wednesday thru Friday
7:00 pm – 11:00 pm (and by appointment)
Title: Pink Bits
Location: Le Salon Des Refusés Du Péché – Las Vegas
Date: June 6 – July 14, 2013
Title: Pink Bits
Location: Le Salon Des Refusés Du Péché – San Fransisco
Date: TBA
More details about the exhibition locations, times, dates and launch parties as they become available.